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CONnecting and Coordinating an Enhanced Network for TRansitions In Care

A New Model for Spinal Cord Injury in Alberta

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Ernest W. Johnson Excellence in Research Writing In-Training Award - American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 

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Approved in 2019, CONCENTRIC is a Spinal Cord Injury project based on a community-based participatory research approach that aims to develop a Provincial SCI Transitions in Care Model.  The project thrives on the engagement and input of multiple SCI stakeholders across the healthcare system and in the community and welcomes every input focused on improving the care experience of persons with SCI in Alberta, Canada.

(c) 2024 CONCENTRIC Project 

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Office Location

Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitaation

Heritage Medical Research Centre

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

T6G 2S2


+1 (587) 501-6092

+1 (780) 492-3796

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