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My Experience Survey-
Regarding my Care and
Changes in my Health, Function & Quality of Life
Brief Overview

This is an evaluation tool generated with persons with SCI for persons with SCI.  The tool empowers persons with SCI to examine their care, identify areas of concern and direct discussions with their care providers to areas they feel is most significant for them.


The tool can be administered by the person with SCI or with help from a family member, friend or care provider.


The survey asks the person with SCI about the information, care team meetings, and supports they received at or after discharge from hospital or rehabilitation back into the community.   The person with SCI is also asked about their health, quality of life, and how they are managing with home, personal and other tasks and activities.

Areas covered in My Experience Tool
  • Transition in Care

  • Changes in Health

  • Changes in Function

  • Changes in Quality of Life

Steps taken to derive tool and pending plans
My Experience Survey Steps.png
Assess ~ Track ~ Transform SCI Care Experience
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Approved in 2019, CONCENTRIC is a Spinal Cord Injury project based on a community-based participatory research approach that aims to develop a Provincial SCI Transitions in Care Model.  The project thrives on the engagement and input of multiple SCI stakeholders across the healthcare system and in the community and welcomes every input focused on improving the care experience of persons with SCI in Alberta, Canada.

(c) 2024 CONCENTRIC Project 

Office Location

Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Heritage Medical Research Centre

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

T6G 2S2


+1 (780) 492-3796

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